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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule a tour?
Through our contact form or directly by phone Whatsapp +54 9 29 45 468456


What utilities are available?

For all lots, electricity, water and gas. 


Is the sewer system connected to the city’s main general sewage?

Yes, Lomas De Andraca was the last lot able to connect to the city’s sewage system.


Is it possible to sign the deed of the lot immediately?

Yes, we can start the process as soon as the payment for the lot is processed.


Can I start to build on the property after signing the deed?

Yes, once the payment is processed you may start building immediately.


Can I request electricity services from local providers?

Yes, we made it possible to request services from “Cooperativa 16 de Octubre”, by installing proper electrical equipment. All you have to do is put in a work order for your lot after purchase.


Are there financing options to purchase a lot?

Yes, even though we prefer an outright buy, we do accept financing with an increase of the final list pricing . The minimum down payment is of USD 5,000.00. The final price of the lot will be evaluated depending on the amount and frequency of the payments.


Do you accept vehicles as partial payment?
It is possible as long as a local car vendor or third party accepts it and delivers a fixed rate of payment to us. 


Can I purchase a lot with Argentinian pesos?
Yes, se puede pagar el lote en pesos en condiciones a convenir.


Is there a commission fee with the purchase of a lot?

No, there is no commission fee with the purchase since we sell the lots directly to you. There will be no payments to a Real Estate agency.

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